Talk Slides and Older Essays
A few highlighted talks:
- NLP Tips and Tricks, a talk at Normconf! The talk slides and associated repo of growing tips have more than the short video. UMAP, entities, spaCy.
- Invited talk at Wordplay workshop ("When Language Meets Games") at NAACL 2022: "Text Toys and Glitch Poetics"
- Europython 2019 Invited Keynote: "Getting Your Data Joie de Vivre Back". Also given as invited keynote at PyData London 2019.
- PyData Warsaw Invited Talk (2018): "Tl;dr: Summarization."
- KIKK Festival (2017): COCO's Memory Palace. A talk on AI art using photographs, AI APIs, and generative poetry. Written up here.
- Eyeo 2016 Talk: "Things I Think Are Awesome." Lots of little generative art and neural net toys and poetry.
- U of Miami (2015):Design for Interactive Data Vis. A talk that summarized design principles with lots of examples, loosely inspired by the course I was teaching.
- Mining Dwarf Fortress for Stories (2014). A talk about analyzing the game's XML data, creating a context-free grammar, and generating stories in English about the characters.
- Workshop on Topic Network Visualization given at The Graphical Web 2014 and the Bodleian Library, Oxford, code repo on github.
- OpenVisConf (Boston, June 2013): Bones of a Bestseller: Visualizing Fiction. Lots of simple machine learning and d3.js visual tools to interpret my results.
- PyData Silicon Valley (Feb 2013): Talk on using Nodebox to visualize data in Python. Nodebox is a python-alternative to Processing.
- Strata and Hadoop World (NYC, Oct 2012): Talk on visualizing networks ("Beyond the Hairball"): a Slideshare deck. (Lots of favs and shares!)
- A short talk for Boston's Predictive Analytics Lightning Talks (Oct, 2012) on Interactive Visualization with D3.js.
- Talk for Boston's Predictive Analytics Meetup on doing network analysis with Python's NetworkX and D3.js linked on my blog.
- Boston MiniUPA (Usability Professionals Assoc chapter conference) talk, "Mining Your Data: An Easy Intro to a Tough Topic (pdf slides)."
- Slides from an invited talk at UIUC, HCI Program, June 2010: The Evolution of Fan Video Editors.
- BostonCHI Panel Notes: User Experience Organizations (from Symantec, Fidelity, Oracle, EMC). September 2007.
- Design for Online Community: Past the Hype (ppt), a talk from the local Boston UXNetwork kickoff meeting. Simpler version without as many pics available on Slideshare.
- Twenty Things I Believe About Product Design (Originally April 2005, revised a third time Dec 2006)
- A PPT presentation: "The Hiring Problem: Academic HCI vs. the Real World of Practice." Aka, "What I Wish I'd Been Taught in School" about the practice of UI design (and the difficulty of hiring good people from school). Given at UW in 2004.
See also my published papers and books and my Medium.
Old Travel Essays
- Twitchers and Tweeters of Fair Isle (2002, posted January 2006). About a trip to a remote Scottish island and the bird watching fanatics there.
- The Haunting of Windhouse on Yell (2002, posted January 2006, updated 2007). About a haunted house and local folklore in Shetland, north of the Scottish mainland.
- My Summer Vacation in Siberia (2003, May 2005). An ill-fated trip to Siberia with a friend.
- A Visit to a Turkish Hammam (France, 2001). Disorientation in French, while naked.