Old Papers: Design Process
I've written a couple articles related to design, training, and research processes in industrial settings.
- "I See Evidence of Research... But What About Design?" Article appeared in interactions vol 14.5, 2007.
- "Designing 'Up' in the Software Industry." Essay appeared in HCI Remixed, edited by Tom Erickson and David McDonald, MIT Press, 2008.
My Books
Wired Women: Gender and New Realities in
Cyberspace, Seal Press, 1996. Co-edited by me and Elizabeth Reba Weise.
Conversation and Community: Chat in a Virtual World, CSLI/U of Chicago, 1999. A revised version of my dissertation from Stanford University, one of the first in-depth ethnographic and sociolinguistic
studies of an online chat community. This one (an object-oriented MUD) featured a customizable environment, like that found in many online games now. Included ethics discussion and overview of socio- and anthro- definitions of the concept of "community."
Old Papers: Online Group Dynamics and Entertainment
- Entertainment is a Human Factor. 1997. In SIGCHI Bulletin, a report on a workshop I ran with Chuck Clanton and Erik Ostrom at the CHI conference. It was remarkably hard in those days to get people to care about game UI, but our participants were stellar and many of the then-students have gone on to great fame in the industry.
- Dyanmics of Mass Interaction (pdf). 1998. By Whittaker, S., L. Terveen, W. Hill, and L. Cherny. In Proceedings of Computer Supported Cooperative Work. A paper on USEnet that seems to get cited a lot, from the AT&T days. I sat around chatting with my smart co-authors, provided some references (you can guess which ones), and looked at data they collected. It was fun.
MUD Papers
Papers about the multi-user dungeon I hung out on for years; technically it was a MOO, an object-oriented MUD. Some but not all of this went into the dissertation, published as Conversation and Community: Chat in a Virtual World, CSLI/U of Chicago, 1999.
- Gender Differences in Text-Based Virtual Reality (pdf, html). 1994. In Proceedings of the Berkeley Conference on Women and Language. (Not in the book.)
- Situated Behavior of MUD Backchannels (pdf). 1995. Paper presented at the AAAI Spring Symposium, Stanford, March 1995, in the session on Empirical Methods in Discourse Analysis. (I think it's published in proceedings, but don't know the details.)
- The Modal Complexity of Speech Events in a Social MUD (txt). 1995. In the Electronic Journal of Communication, 5(4).
- Objectifying the Body in the Discourse of a Object-Oriented MUD (html). 1995. In Stivale, C. (Ed.), Cyberspaces: Pedagogy and Performance on the Electronic Frontier, special issue of Works and Days 26. (Definitely not covered in my book.)